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AutoCad Map-MS Access Integration

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1.MS Access

2.AutoCad Map


4.AutoCad Map3D

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4 min 23 sec

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4 min 55 sec

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1 min 21 sec

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Database was set up in MS Access to keep survey data and all other field information. Survey was performed using GPS and all data collected in field were compiled in small database. There were around 6000 structures surveyed (inlets, manholes, culverts). Datasheet for each structure had next info: spatial definition (northing, easting) material, pipe size, link to surrounding structure, condition, description etc. Over 4500 links between structures were created and checked in MS Access database. Reports were created separately one for culverts and another for other structures. In the next examples only part of database (Basin F-1, around 300 pipes) will be used in order to get shorter videos. This and other videos will walk you through the process of creation final product.
This example will show how visual basic for AutoCad (VB/A) may be utilized to read data from database and to draw objects. Links between objects in drawing and data were established in same step. User now have access to additional info about features in drawing using link templates or by opening AutoCad property pane. Data tables can be edited from within Autocad Map without switching to MS Access. Visual data checking against drawing was performed to find and correct input errors. In this example “pipe” topology was created and simple network analysis was performed. Finally map was created in AutoCad Map, but pipes and structures were exported to shape files and also mapped using ArcView.
Shape files are imported in ArcView. Layers are symbolized using ArcView built in symbology. Generic layout was created for printing and map distribution.
Similar like ArcView example, this example will show AutoCad Map3D capabilities. AutoCad Map3D can easily access data in any spatial database (ORACLE, SQLServer, ArcSDE, MySQL, etc). Also, AutoCad Map 3D can open shape files (without importing them), for displaying and editing.